Home > BBL News, Bosmopolitan > June 2018 Bosmopolitan

June 2018 Bosmopolitan

June 4, 2018

Club Brewing Demonstrations and Beer Education Programs

The club has been receiving a large number of requests lately for brewing demos and beer education programs. In the past we have had a small number of people that would take care of these requests, but now that the requests are coming from far and wide throughout the Tri-State area, we now have a need to call on our membership to ask for volunteers who would be willing to lead some discussions and beer education events. If you are interested in speaking when these events come up, please talk to a board member or officer so that we can take your name and contact information. A power point presentation and/or discussion materials can be provided if needed.

Have you recently toured a brewery, been to a new favorite beer bar, or have some other beer related news you’d like to share with the club? Let us know and we’ll include it in the newsletter.

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Categories: BBL News, Bosmopolitan